Monday, February 11, 2013

Sing, Sing, Sing!

We've just had back to back visits from my mother and my mother-in-law.  It was delightful to watch them interact with my baby girl.  They were constantly talking and singing to her.  In the photo you see that I love singing to Emma Rebekah as well!!

In this blog I'll show you how to turn a song into an activity to use in either a bathtub or a preschool classroom.

I'm sure you've heard the song Five Little Ducks. It goes like this...
 Five little ducks went out one day. Over the hills and far away. Mama duck said, 
" Quack, quack, quack, quack," but only four little ducks came waddling back.

If you click here on the song Five Little Ducks you will be directed to an amazing website DLTK that has the lyrics and print-outs for a wonderful song to sing with your children. I created popsicle stick puppets from the print-outs I found on the website and created a story basket for my preschool students along with the books that contain various versions of the song.

I recently found both these rubber ducks and the plastic container in the dollar section at Target.  

Children can turn the plastic container over and it becomes a "story prop".  As children sing the song, they can move the ducks over the container or "the hill".   

Don't forget to SING, SING, SING with your children or students.  It will help them develop the concept of rhyme and is a very effective way to build vocabulary.  

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