Monday, August 5, 2013

Celebrating Life

I fell in love with this book when I saw it in the bookstore.  The title grabbed my attention because my daughter was born at night.  We read it for the first time to Emma yesterday and the message the book conveys is beautiful.  It celebrates a child's name and his/her uniqueness. Here's a special phrase from the book:  "You are the one and only ever you..."

As I read it, I thought of those children who may not feel valued or even wanted from an early age.  Teachers and caregivers have the unique ability through the words they speak and the books they read to message to children that they are special and valued.  

One of the things I regret from my first years of teaching is not celebrating each child's birthday.  I was overwhelmed with the daily demands of my job and at times birthdays in my classroom went unnoticed and definitely not celebrated.  

I would encourage teachers and parents of young children to find a way to celebrate birthdays.  It may mean simply reading a book, giving a child a birthday crown or allowing a child to sit in a special spot. Many times it is the small and simple things that make the biggest difference.  Simply post a birthday chart or create a birthday graph together with your students.  Lakeshore and Creative Teaching Press have many colorful options.  The chart and/or graph will be a reminder to celebrate each child's special day.  

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