Wednesday, August 7, 2013

First Day of School Teaching Treasure

I have been using the book Bono the Monkey at School for MANY years.  Children LOVE the story of a monkey who goes to school for the first time but does not know how to act.  As I was searching this morning, I found it in a PDF format on-line.  This is truly an amazing resource for teachers of young children who want to begin the school year helping children to identify what behavior is appropriate and not appropriate in the classroom.  Here is the link:  Bono the Monkey Goes To School!!!

After reading the book, I would have children help me fill in a T Chart with what Bono the Monkey does that is OK at school and what he does that is NOT OK.  Reading the book brings you to a natural discussion of classroom rules or expectations for behavior.

At Teachers Pay Teachers you can also find signs for classroom rules based on Bono the Monkey at School.  

There are many post reading or follow-up activities that can happen in a classroom on the first day or first week of school.  One of my favorites is letting students make Bono the Monkey and  student puppets out of popsicle sticks.  Students retell the story with you using their puppets.  They can then take the puppets home and tell their families the story.  

Monday, August 5, 2013

Celebrating Life

I fell in love with this book when I saw it in the bookstore.  The title grabbed my attention because my daughter was born at night.  We read it for the first time to Emma yesterday and the message the book conveys is beautiful.  It celebrates a child's name and his/her uniqueness. Here's a special phrase from the book:  "You are the one and only ever you..."

As I read it, I thought of those children who may not feel valued or even wanted from an early age.  Teachers and caregivers have the unique ability through the words they speak and the books they read to message to children that they are special and valued.  

One of the things I regret from my first years of teaching is not celebrating each child's birthday.  I was overwhelmed with the daily demands of my job and at times birthdays in my classroom went unnoticed and definitely not celebrated.  

I would encourage teachers and parents of young children to find a way to celebrate birthdays.  It may mean simply reading a book, giving a child a birthday crown or allowing a child to sit in a special spot. Many times it is the small and simple things that make the biggest difference.  Simply post a birthday chart or create a birthday graph together with your students.  Lakeshore and Creative Teaching Press have many colorful options.  The chart and/or graph will be a reminder to celebrate each child's special day.  

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Getting Ready!

Choosing quality children's literature that your students will love is key for the beginning weeks of school.  Below I've listed ten of my favorite books for use in the beginning of the year (although these books will be reread many times throughout the school year).  Getting students to engage in and enjoy read-alouds is critical for every teacher of young children.  I've chosen each text for a distinct may be the need to discuss students' feelings during the first week of school or simply to have students join in on a book that offers a repetitive, fun phrases.  I wanted to share these books because there is still time to find them at a local library or order them on Amazon before the school year begins.  

The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn

First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg

Owl Babies by Martin Waddell

Heartprints by P.K. Hallinan

Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes

Little Quack by Lauren Thompson

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr.

Chicka Chicka 1-2-3 by Bill Martin Jr.

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?  by Bill Martin Jr.

Corduroy by Don Freeman

Friday, August 2, 2013

Top Five Friday

Happy Friday!  Returning back to school is definitely "in the air."  I am not returning to full- time work as a teacher this year, but I vividly remember both the excitement and the anxiety that the beginning of the school year brings.  

I'd like to encourage both parents and teachers to take time to think about what brings you joy.  Keep doing those things so that you continue to be a positive influence on the child or children in your care.  

Just yesterday I was feeling down for no specific reason.  Pablo and I decided to attend a service at our church and we both left feeling refreshed and renewed.  It was just what we needed to elevate our spirits and keep our minds focused on what truly matters.  In professions where one is giving, giving, giving, it is vitally important to stay connected to your faith, family and friends.  A person of support may be the teacher across the hall or the neighbor that lives down the street.  Connect with people who are supportive and continue to do the things that bring you delight, even if it is as simple as a cup of coffee or a bubble bath.

This week my husband watched Emma in the evenings so that I could rehearse and perform with the Lakewood Dance Company at a special event.  I was going to pass on the opportunity to dance because of my responsibilities at home, etc... However, dancing does bring me happiness and that will make my list this Friday of.. 

Five Things that Make Me Smile 





As the beginning of the school year approaches, reflect on what brings you joy and make a commitment to yourself not to let them disappear.   

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Back to Blogging

Hello! It's been a VERY long time since I've posted a blog. 

 After traveling with my husband to Mexico for both business and vacation and to Pennsylvania to spend time with my family, we are home and happy to be back in Houston.

Let's catch up....

Here are some family photos we got taken before we left.  We have a Texan theme because Emma Rebekah is the only true Texan in the family.  My husband, Pablo, is from Venezuela and I'm from a small town in Pennsylvania called Mount Joy.  


Her smile brings me so much joy.

This year I'm going to be working as an Elementary Consultant with Teach For America and as a mentor at Small Steps Nurturing Center.  When I was a teacher at Small Steps, the following video was made.  It reveals the heart of this organization.

Small Steps UTube Video

I'm extremely eager to begin working with new teachers of young children.  My goal is to provide creative resources for both parents and teachers.  Below you will find two resources that I have recently found very useful.  

Pablo is going to be doing some professional development in CA so in preparation for his course, he has been studying in the evening.  I thought it would be fun for us to join him.  Although we are all reading different texts, It's fun to climb into bed with all our books and/or articles and just read as a family.  

Here is what  Emma is reading...  

I was introduced Indestructibles while attending a class given by the School Literacy and Culture Project at Rice University . The books are built for the way babies read and as their website indicates, they are definitely, "water-proof, tear-resistant and baby-durable."  I am grateful that the wordless books are a constant reminder to sing and recite timeless nursery rhymes.  

Here's what I'm reading....

  Even after teaching for over 12 years these sort of books still inspire me.  Fox weaves current brain research into her book. The following is an excerpt from Reading Magic.  

Children's brains are only 25% developed at birth.  From that moment, whenever a baby is fed, cuddled, played with, talked to, sung to, or read to, the other 75% of its brain begins to develop.  And the more stimulation the baby has through its senses of touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing, the more rapidly that development will occur (pg. 13).  

More about this amazing book in a different post.  It's a MUST read for all parents and teachers of young children.  

It's feels great to be back blogging.  Please look for more posts soon.

Friday, March 15, 2013

An Easter Writing Basket

Happy Friday!  I can't believe that Easter is around the corner.  Here is a fun way to create a different kind of Easter basket for your children or students.  Instead of sweets, fill a basket with Easter story books, a bunny or flower headband, markers, pencils and some homemade napkin writing books.

Here is my Easter Writing Basket from my classroom last year.  

I made vocabulary picture cards so students could practice writing and drawing Easter vocabulary words. 

All you need to make a napkin book:  colorful napkins, paper cut into squares & a stapler.

The finished product! 
 So simple and children just love writing and drawing in them. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Mid Month Must Read

It has been too long since I've written a blog post.  Here you will see the main reason I keep so busy.  My daughter, Emma Rebekah, is the joy of my life.   

She is now three months old.  It has been amazing to see how she has changed and developed during these first few months.  It's truly miraculous. 

 Thinking about moms and children led me to make  one of my favorite books 
Mama Cat Has Three Kittens by Denise Fleming my "Mid Month Must Read".

The story is ideal for young children because it has a simple plot and only a few words per page.  The pictures are fabulous and as children view the pictures and hear the story, they will learn new vocabulary. They will also find the pattern or the repetitive phrase on each page and will enjoy repeating it with you as you read the story aloud. 

I created  a simple story basket by ordering these adorable beanie baby cats on Amazon.  I was able to match the exact colors of the cats with those found in the book.  How fun!!  Your children or students will LOVE using the kittens to retell the story.  It's also a perfect story to act out with your children or students (without props).  

No matter how you use the book, it will soon be a favorite!